Elon, NC is a small but growing town in North Carolina with an estimated population of 9,781 people. It’s about 4 miles away from Burlington and has many great amenities for you to enjoy, such as outdoor spaces like parks or trails that are perfect for hiking.
Elon, NC, is a neighborhood with an exceptional livability score and ranks 58th ranked area in North Carolina, as well as being placed at number 5,220th on the list for most livable places to live in the United States. This means that this area has a better quality of life than 82% percent of its surrounding areas.
In Elon, living costs are 10% higher than the North Carolina average and 5% higher than national. Housing there costs 25 percent more too.
The Elon neighborhood is a much safer place to live than most cities in the United States (safer than 85% of the cities in the United States). Violent crimes are 80% lower, and property crime rates also tend to be quite low for those who decide to move their families or do business here, despite the many opportunities offered by nearby towns. You have an incredibly small one chance out of 181 odds when compared to others around you who could become victims.
This is an amazing neighborhood with big differences in income. For example, the per capita income here averages 26% lower than the national average, while median household earnings are 17% lower than the U.S. average.
Also, Elon, North Carolina, is a city with many benefits. For one thing, it has an unemployment rate that’s 53% lower than the national average, and median earnings for males are 41% higher when compared to females who live in Elon. The poverty level also tends towards being greater at 16%, but this could be explained by factoring out children from the analysis since they don’t contribute as much financially while still being part of society as adults do.
This small town in North Carolina has big city amenities and abundant green space. The people who live there are typically more conservative, but they still enjoy all that Elon has to offer. Residents have access to everything they need from shopping centers and schools, making this community very convenient for those who want more than just lawn care or running errands on their lunch break. The public school system is one reason so many families choose this place as their home; it offers above-average education opportunities for students at every level.